When we don’t really know what we want our future to look like, we often find ourselves just bouncing around from strategy to strategy, from relationship to relationship, experimenting, and not purposefully driving ourselves toward our ideal futures. Today on Relentless Growth, we rediscover a powerful exercise to help us break out of this counterproductive cycle in order to achieve true success. One of our most popular episodes introduced listeners to the Future Self Meditation or Exercise. Tuning in you’ll discover what it means to get into a meditative state and visit with your future self, and how this exercise can provide you with a wealth of clarity on your future and how to get there. If you want to gain real perspective about your motivations and priorities, find calmness about what’s happening in your life, discover the direction you need to grow in next, and reach inside yourself to discover that your most important answers are probably already there waiting for you, get comfortable and listen in! Whether you have done this practice before, or this is your first time, tune in today. Your future self will thank you for it!
Key Points From This Episode:
– What you can gain from participating in the upcoming Relentless Growth Mastermind.
– An introduction to today’s episode: A repost of one of our most popular episodes.
– What it means to get into a meditative state and visit with your future self.
– Why you should treat this as if you’re going into a new season.
– How this exercise can help you get clarity on your future.
– Why you should set an intention for what you want to get out of this exercise.
– The first reason why this exercise is so important: to gain real perspective about your motivations and priorities.
– Reason two: to calm yourself down about what’s happening in your life.
– Reason three: to realize that your most important answers are usually found inside of you.
– Reason four: to realize what you really want and what’s really important when times are tough.
– Reason five: to see in what direction you need to grow next.
– Reason six: the Susan Scott quote: “The conversation is the relationship” and how this relates to this exercise.
– The first step in the exercise: make sure your environment supports your goal.
– Step two: set your body and your breathing for meditation.
– Step three: take a posture of curiosity.
– Step four: follow along with Chris as you go through the visualization.
– How to identify the steps you need to take to become your future self as you come out of the exercise.
“If you don’t really know what you want your future to look like, you’ll just bounce around from strategy to strategy, from relationship to relationship, thing to thing, experimenting and not purposefully driving you toward that ideal future.” — Chris Goodman [0:09:34]
“I want you to realize your most important answers are usually inside you.” — Chris Goodman [0:11:31]
“Sometimes we get bored in life or we get burned out with work and we don’t know what to do next. Borrowing from our future self, their wisdom often is all we need to do to see what direction we need to go in.” — Chris Goodman [0:12:25]
“It’s more about who you are in the moment than what you’re doing. Getting to that place, that ideal future, or that version of you that you saw that has it all together, getting there is more about who you choose to be in the moment.” — Chris Goodman [0:23:45]
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