Welcome back to the first episode of Season 2 of the Relentless Growth Podcast! Who better to kick off an inspired season of growth in all aspects of your life, than business and embodiment coach, creator of the Boldly Courageous community, host of the Boldly Courageous podcast, and co-founder of Ladies Aligned Media, Melissa Martin. Tune in today to hear how Melissa has shifted fields from equine studies to finance, to entrepreneurship and now to coaching, to be in the best alignment with herself, and why this has enabled her to create space for others to reach their best selves. We learn what the lowest lows can teach you, and why it’s important to take time to celebrate (and thus be grateful for) the small moments. Discover the power of radical self-ownership in choosing to be happy, and the benefits of taking time for yourself when there’s a task that cannot be shifted or delegated. Melissa talks us through the two questions she asks herself to decide if a business, a relationship, or a goal is something she should continue with, as well as how to identify when your brain is getting in your way. Join us for all this, and so much more!
Key Points From This Episode:
– An introduction to Melissa Martin: coach, public speaker, event host, and digital content creator.
– Where she is living now: Atlanta, Georgia, and how it’s fulfilling a childhood dream.
– What Chris appreciates about Melissa’s perspective: slow down and respect experiences.
– Melissa’s values, and how she identified her soul wants using the “Wouldn’t it be cool if…”.
– Aligning your business and work-life with your core values and the energy that you put out.
– Why being flexible and having positive energy is a choice.
– Completing a task that you don’t have the energy for: if you can’t shift it, take the time to get yourself into a space where you can do it.
– Where Melissa learned the audacity to choose her life.
– Why taking radical ownership of who you are in every moment throughout your day is key to living a fulfilled life.
– What holds people back in attaining happiness: “the when, then” attitude.
– The different identities that we grow through and how following your curiosity allows you to find the best you.
– Being courageous in the dark moments: to experience the highs, you need to permit yourself to feel the lows; and there’s always a lesson to learn.
– Why building a business doesn’t have to be hard.
– Two key questions Melissa asks herself when facing decisions: “Does it scare me?” and “How would I feel if this thing/opportunity/person were taken away from me?”.
– Why you need to learn to co-create with fear.
– Taking responsibility of your energetic bank account, and refueling to serve.
– Melissa’s advice to someone who’s reached burnout but who doesn’t want to let go of any of their responsibilities.
– Why living a healthy life with firm boundaries and habits that fill you up will contribute to your success as an entrepreneur.
– How being an entrepreneur is similar to being an athlete.
– The steps we need to take to prioritize ourselves in American work culture.
– How to recognize that there is always proof for both sides of what you desire or believe, and how to tell when your brain is playing tricks on you.
– The misconception of reaching a point of arrival, and why we should be celebrating each small moment, to show our gratitude.
– Why Melissa chose to move into coaching: providing a container for someone else to step into their fullest expression, and forcing her to live her life as a role model.
– Melissa’s favorite books for entrepreneurship, and what’s next!
“I’m an extroverted introvert, so I love being alone and having my personal space, but I also love experiences and being in the thick of energy.” — Melissa Martin [0:05:05]
“I noticed, for me personally, when I am too in the ‘hustle’, or focus energy for too long, the quality of my work starts to suffer. And the energetic behind what I’m putting into my work starts to shift from an energy of ‘I get to’, to an energy of ‘I have to’.” — Melissa Martin [0:11:12]
“Taking radical ownership for who we are in every single moment of the day is, in my opinion, the key to living a truly fulfilled life.” — [0:19:21]
“Every little failure has planted a seed for all of my success.” — Melissa Martin [0:26:02]
“The universe, godsource, whatever you want to call it will continue to send you opportunities to grow until you get the lesson. It’s like a video game. Life is like a giant video game.” — Melissa Martin [0:36:29]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Melissa Martin on Boldly Courageous
Boldly Courageous Facebook Community
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
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