It’s safe to say that this is one of the strangest years in history, and for college graduates entering the job market, things are certainly very challenging. Today’s guest, Elon Kline, is one of these recent grads, and in the wake of the COVID-19 economy, he lost his job before even starting! He then did something he never thought he would have to do — He moved back home with his parents. After wading his way through infinite job applications with student loan debt looming, Elon decided to take a stab at professional speaking, a dream he always harbored. It paid off when he landed his first speaking gig, and he knows he is just getting started. In this episode, Elon gets vulnerable and sits down for a live coaching session with Chris. We first get to know Elon, where his positive attitude and determination stand out. After this, he and Chris get stuck in, and they explore Elon’s goal of paying off his student loans. Through the session, Elon establishes a yearly income that would allow him to pay off his debt, the roadblocks that stand in the way of him reaching this goal, and, most importantly, how he would overcome these difficulties. During the engagement, we hear a noticeable difference in Elon’s confidence levels because he realizes that by getting out of his own way, he can live up to his potential. For such a young man, Elon displays incredible self-reflexivity and introspection and his commitment to relentless growth is sure to propel him to great heights. Be sure to tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
– Get to know Elon, where he’s from, and some of the influential books in his life.
– Hear about what led Elon to launch his speaking business, and landing his first client.
– Chris’s story of working in real estate and how he learned experience is overrated.
– How Elon’s positive attitude and persistence has reaped rewards recently.
– The result that Elon really wants but he hasn’t achieved yet — Paying off his student loans.
– How having a coach is so important to help you push past your perceived limits.
– Advice that Elon got from Chris when he reached out to him two years ago.
– Obstacles that would stand in Elon’s way of making $112,000 a year by August 2021.
– Elon’s level of commitment to earn an income that would help him clear his debt.
– Staying comfortable does not serve you; pushing yourself does.
– Why the hustle culture does not appeal to Elon and the importance of enjoyment in his life.
– How Elon would come up with money if he faced a medical emergency.
– What’s the one thing Elon could do to easily make $10,000 a month?
– How Elon would feel if he were earning his dream income in 30 days time.
– Elon’s motivation level as the show ends and what it would take to get it to be 10 out of 10.
– Three people in Elon’s life who will hold him accountable.
“It’s really changed the game, just being positive.” — Elon Kline [0:12:09]
“If you’re listening and you’re really stuck there, I would take some solace in that fact that some of the best in the entire country and the world don’t care about your level of experience.” — Chris Goodman [0:14:37]
“Everybody should have a coach to push them into believing more is possible for you. That you’re capable of more. That you have more potential, as one of my favorite coaches loves to remind me.” — Chris Goodman [0:20:15]
“A couple days of just doing this and working on this and making it my one thing is going to give me enough motivation to know that I can continuously do this over and over and over again.” — Elon Kline [0:49:15]
“If you want to grow, if you want to create abundance in your life or just a better life than you have now, you got to act like it, you got to put in the work.” — Elon Kline [0:53:16]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
This is Why You Are a Perfectionist TED Talk
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