There is no doubt that we have all reached an impasse, where we feel stuck, and we have likely said the words, “I don’t know what I want.” Today, Chris pulls back the curtain on why this happens and offers seven actionable steps to move out of this rut. When you are feeling unsure of your next move, it could either be that you are not connected to a greater vision or that you have hit your natural ceiling and don’t know which direction to take. Rather than getting stressed, which only hinders your ability to be at the top of your game, you can take some steps that will not only help you gain clarity but also set you at ease. Some of these include getting clear on what you don’t want, outlining your personal values, doing a future-self exercise, and being quiet. Remember, having patience is also important when you feel this way. So, take time to explore the discomfort of not knowing, and you will find the lesson that is surely waiting there!
Key Points From This Episode:
– Two reasons why people might be having “I don’t know what I want” thoughts.
– An overview of seven ways to move past these thoughts.
– First, find the answer to the question, “What do I not want?” to help you gain clarity.
– Second, explore what these answers tell you.
– Third, outline your personal values that are central to your life and work.
– Fourth, do a future self-exercise to embody a different reality and gain perspective.
– Fifth, ask yourself what you would have to do if you only have three years left to live.
– Sixth, get very quiet, through things like meditation, walking, reading, or journaling.
– Finally, be patient and willing to experience what’s behind this period of being stuck.
“The thinking behind saying, ‘I don’t know what I want,’ the thought behind it is self-centered.” — Chris Goodman [0:03:01]
“Just learning here isn’t going to cut it. You’re going to have to apply and implement questions and answers to actually experience some transformations and breakthroughs in your life and business.” — Chris Goodman [0:08:12]
“Explore different ways to be quiet, and then come back to, ‘Okay, what do I want?’” — Chris Goodman [0:17:19]
“I love to coach on this kind of thing, in terms of being stuck because there’s always another avenue. It’s not the path A and path B; there’s always a path C. There’s always a way out, you just have to get creative.” — Chris Goodman [0:19:18]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Episode 27: Future Self Meditation or Exercise
Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself
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