At the end of the day, we’re all struggling, we’re all growing. And nobody, no matter what circumstance they find themselves in, no matter how rich they are, how little work they have to do, how many family members they have, or how deep their support network is; everybody has stress and fear, and everybody has something to outgrow, including you. Today our host, Chris Goodman, opens up about the value of coaching and a profound revelation that he had in a session with one of his own coaches, Dr. Keith Waggoner. Chris talks about how much money he spends on coaching, why he has three coaches, and why he believes it’s such a valuable investment, before he explains how his own coach helped him uncover what was really holding him back. He then explains how he came to discover the three underlying fears at the root of the stress he was feeling, and breaks down how to go about addressing these blockages. To find out how you can get to the root of your fears and change those thoughts into something that empowers you so that you can reach new levels of success, happiness, and relentless growth, tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Today’s topic: A revelation that Chris had with one of his coaches.
- The goal of this episode: to give listeners permission that it’s okay to keep growing and evolving.
- How everybody has stress, fear, or something to outgrow.
- Why you should consider where you need to grow most.
- How the Relentless Growth Mastermind may be beneficial to you.
- Why Chris has three coaches and how much he invests in coaching.
- How one of Chris’s coaches, Keith Wagner, helped him uncover what was really holding him back and how it was not what Chris expected.
- How it’s not the feedback that causes the transformation, it’s the change in how he thinks.
- The three underlying fears at the root of the stress Chris has been feeling.
- How to address fears like these: change those thoughts into something that empowers you.
- Why it’s okay to think those fearful thoughts from time to time, but it’s not okay to stay there.
- How to get to the root of your fears.
- The next step: to get curious as to why your brain holds on to these fears.
- Chris’s challenge to listeners to make a decision or commitment as to what you’re going to do about what’s holding you back.
“We’re all struggling, growing, and nobody, no matter what circumstance, no matter how rich they are, or how little work they have to do, or how many family members they have, or how deep their support network is, everybody has stress, fear, and something to outgrow, including you.” — Chris Goodman [0:03:10]
“When I invest in how I think, how I take action, where those actions come from in my mind and in my heart, and I have somebody to hold me accountable, I perform at an immensely higher level.” — Chris Goodman [0:07:20]
“If these are the thoughts that are causing all of the stress and the suffering, what do I do with it? The answer is very simple: It’s change those thoughts into something that actually empowers me.” — Chris Goodman [0:12:47]
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