What kinds of conversations are you creating around yourself? Are you building yourself up every day so that you can uplift others? People grow into the conversations that you create around them and in this episode of Relentless Growth, you’ll come to understand how the best leaders create positive, empowering conversations that put themselves and others in a position to seek out opportunity even in the face of adversity. We touch on the importance of intentionality, discomfort, and commitment, and Chris shares some valuable resources to help you take your next steps towards a happier, more successful, and more fulfilled life. If you’re a business leader, a coach, or a mentor, or even just someone striving to be the best version of yourself possible, you’ll get a lot out of today’s episode! We hope you’ll join us.
Key Points From This Episode:
– Understanding what kinds of conversations you create around yourself.
– How the best leaders create an empowering conversation and allow others to grow into it.
– The role that intentionality plays in creating positive conversations.
– Distilling the conversations you have with yourself into one word.
– Tapping into the power of ‘soundtracks’ as per Jon Acuff.
– The direct correlation between thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions.
– Why not all transformation is pleasant or comfortable.
– Identifying the single most impactful thing that you can change about your conversations.
– Reflecting on the conversations that are created around you and why they are important.
– The conversations you create around others and how you can shift that paradigm.
– Chris encourages listeners to make a decision to do something different today!
“The best leaders, the most transformational coaches, the best parents create an empowering, loving conversation full of possibility around somebody and then let that person grow into it.” — Chris Goodman [0:04:07]
“What is the most impactful thing that you can change in that conversation with yourself that would make everything better, happier, more successful, more lucrative, more freeing, more liberated?” — Chris Goodman [0:10:37]
“Change the conversation. Shift the paradigm. Change your life. Change your business. It’s not as hard as you would think; it just takes some courage and some commitment.” — Chris Goodman [0:16:18]
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