Welcome to the 100th episode of the Relentless Growth podcast! Everything that we do at Goodman Coaching is focused on helping you grow in your life and in your business in a way that makes you feel genuinely fulfilled. I start off this episode by giving an overview of the four facets that make up Goodman Coaching and how you can benefit from each of them, for those who are new to this space. The rest of the episode is dedicated to explaining the importance of expressing gratitude for the things that are going well in your life, rather than focusing on the things that are not. I’ve had my fair share of experience living a results-oriented life and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you will be much happier and be able to achieve much more if you adopt a celebratory approach instead! Thank you for being a part of the Relentless Growth journey, I am grateful for you!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Welcome to Episode 100!
- Some of the most memorable interviews we’ve done on the podcast.
- An overview of the four facets that make up Goodman Coaching; this podcast, Breakthrough Coaching, the Relentless Growth Mastermind, and one-on-one coaching.
- How getting a coach changed my life.
- The importance of slowing down and celebrating the good things in your life.
- Challenges and bad days are inevitable, but you can control how you feel about them.
- How your focus changes your perception.
- Why all of my coaching calls begin with an expression of gratitude.
- The power of ritualizing celebration.
- How I start each day.
- Examples of powerful ways to express gratitude.
- This week’s call to action: commit to bringing a new level of celebration into your life, and find someone to hold you accountable to that.
“Ultimately, what I’m really after is how I can help you grow in your own life and business.” — Chris Goodman [0:03:35]
“I train every client to see their focus as a big lighthouse with a super bright light, and whatever you train this bright light on is all you can see.” — Chris Goodman [0:13:05]
“You don’t have to defer being happy until you get a result.” — Chris Goodman [0:18:08]
“When you ritualize celebration, you’re ritualizing being joyful, being happy, being grateful. All those things you want to feel when you get a great result, you’re doing it in real-time.” — Chris Goodman [0:19:22]
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