Thanks for visiting my articles and learning about what I’m up to in the coaching world.  I trust some of my experiences will help on your own path, inspire you in some way, or connect with you on a meaningful level.  Let’s get started!

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The New Podcast 450+ Business Owners Want You to Hear 

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Hey overachiever, I get it.

You want to WIN⁣. You rarely fail at anything and you’re not about to start now. ⁣

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That’s Already Been Done.

“Don’t crawl little baby; That’s already been done.”

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When You Catch Yourself Craving The Limelight…

Ask why you want it

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What is the secret behind the 3 Rookies of the Year I’ve coached?

It’s not what you think…

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The 3 Most Important Phases of your Business

And why they matter so much helping you and your customers stay happy!

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When push comes to love.

No, I didn’t push or shove Lindsey to write this…

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Re-break Your Thinking Bone

You’re not getting the results you want… Maybe your thinking bone is broken.

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Trigger, meet thought.

Every action has a reaction.  What are your own triggers, and how are they affecting your life & business?

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Coaching is a process, not just a project!

What’s sexy about the process of getting results vs. outcomes??

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What will I get out of this??

Let’s consider two questions and whether you really want to be your best…

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Ever been there?

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Hi, can you really help me?

Somewhere out there an ideal client is reading this.  Unsure about what I do, how I do it, why I became a coach, if I can help solve their problems, and so on…

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Time for a Change

How do you know when it’s time to talk with a coach like me? You’re feeling stuck, in a rut, or uninspired…

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A Rebel Just for Kicks?

Ever heard a song and thought, “ I really like this… I have no idea what type of music it is… it’s a weird blend of things…hard to describe… I like it though!”

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EXPECTATIONS: The ultimate way to screw yourself up.

A few years ago I was riding with a buddy in his Jeep to a work event. We had maybe a 15-minute drive together, and in that short time he taught me a universal truth…

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