Making big decisions can feel overwhelming because of all the doubt and uncertainty that arise as soon as we try to step out of our comfort zones. Our brains are designed to keep us safe, so this reaction is totally normal. In order to overcome it, you need to dig deeper and understand whether you are making decisions from a place of fear or abundance. In today’s episode, Lindsey Mango, Chris’s wife, joins once again, this time to talk about how to love your reasons when you are thinking about taking a major step forward in your life. They share the story of how they chose to move to California and the exercise they used to clear their minds and follow through. Putting pen to paper and writing all the reasons in favor of or against a decision goes a long way, and it is a practice Chris and Lindsey still use in all their big decisions. They walk us through the steps of making this list, how to identify the fear and abundance-based ones, and what comes next. Even as coaches, Chris and Lindsey both experience discomfort, but they have learned to lean into it and use it to guide them going forward. Start using this exercise in your life in small ways today, and you will see big payoffs in no time!


Key Points From This Episode:

– Updates since Lindsey’s last appearance on the show. 

– The process Chris and Lindsey used to help guide them to move to California. 

– The value of writing down all of the reasons in favor of or against a decision. 

– Why moving to California was such a big decision for Chris and Lindsey. 

– Some of the big reasons against moving to California. 

– How identifying reasons that are rooted in fear can help you gain clarity. 

– Why following through with an abundant decision is actually the hard part. 

– Circumstances aren’t hard; it is about the feeling you attach to these experiences. 

– Discomfort is going to be there; use it to push you to make the decision. 

– Chris and Lindsey’s decision to leave California and go back to Kentucky. 

– If you are not clear on your decision, complications can deter you from your choice. 

– How Lindsey uses this framework in all of her decision-making processes. 

– Tapping into an understanding of abundance and fear-based reactions. 

– Words can show us whether something is fear or abundance-based. 

– Tips on how to use this advice in your life now. 

– How loving her decisions has helped Lindsey live the life of her dreams.



“Creating a life you really want isn’t about making decisions that make sense. People who make decisions that make sense, create a life that ‘makes sense.” — Lindsey Mango [0:09:42]

“When we took a step back and really looked at our paper, it was glaringly obvious that moving to California was the glaring, abundant decision, and staying was the fear-based, lack decision.” — Lindsey Mango [0:11:33]

“The worst thing that can happen to you is a feeling.” — Lindsey Mango [0:15:30]

“You are not going to grow if you are right or comfortable.” — Chris Goodman [0:17:51]

“Decide which thing you’re going to use this exercise to make a decision on.” — Chris Goodman [0:29:55]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Lindsey Mango

Lindsey Mango Coaching on Instagram

Anything But Average

Work with Chris

Goodman Coaching

Chris Goodman

For The Love Of Money – Chris Harder


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